Hey everyone! Dr. Iuliana Corman, ND here. I get asked often "what is the best diet?", "what diet do you follow?", "what foods should I or shouldn't I eat?", "what is the healthiest thing I can eat" etc. etc. you... Read more
Has your digestion been a problem for you as long as you can remember? Maybe you’ve gone through a slew of testing with your doctor; including anything from stool samples and blood tests, to a barium swallow, or even a... Read more
Headaches can make activities of daily living uncomfortable at a minimum and impossible at their worst. Regardless of whether you’re trying to work, make dinner, clean the house, play with your kids, get some daily movement in, or enjoy some... Read more
If you’ve ever looked into getting a Prenatal Vitamin you’ll know that there are A LOT of options out there and that it can be an overwhelming process to pick one out. This post is going to give you all... Read more